With most New Years, there is something like a clean slate to start with. But 2022 at this point just doesn't seem like much more than a rerun of the last 2 years. Omicron, the newest name for a pandemic, threatens to chase us back into our homes, connecting only on Zoom and social media. For you and me and everyone else, I hope I'm wrong. 

Because, like so many others, I'm making plans, for new happenings as well as rescheduled events. One of these will (ojalá) unfold on the 26th of this month in Oaxaca. I'm preparing for a book presentation at the Oaxaca Lending Library, for January 26. 

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The other news is that as I looking into my storage closet to count out books to take to Oaxaca,I discovered only one full box left. What this means is that after this presentation and sale, it's possible that the first edition of Whispers in Thread will be almost finished. In February, I will once again be working with Grupo Fogra in Mexico City on a second edition. I'm so grateful to all of you who have supported me with your purchases, sales, consignments and every other kind of support large and small these two years. May 2022 be the year we've all been waiting for. Health, happiness and prosperity to you!


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