Those words were uttered a few days ago by a woman, a collector, a friend, who had come to my artspace for a visit and a look. She said it spontaneously, in the middle of a Covid conversation, and we both laughed out loud at the idea of it. For her part, all the political and social issues make her think that art should be the last thing on our minds. Was her laughter to cover some guilt she felt about blurting it out? 

For my part, I laughingly responded that "It's the perfect time! I have rent to pay, just like everyone else!" We continued our conversation about which pieces she was drawn to, and she confessed that there were too many that called to her, and she was on overwhelm. She gave me a list of 6, to send photos, prices and sizes for contemplating in the quiet of her own space. 

I need to practice more on panorama photos, but this I'll post just to give you an idea of her predicament. It's only part of one of the three rooms she took in carefully over a long period. 

After she left, I started thinking about... and then having conversations about....why IT IS a good time to buy art. I want to share those with you, in case you're an artist, a curator, a collector, or one of those who say 'someday' you'd like to buy original art. Because you may have some ideas and reasons of your own that you'll share in the comments.  

Reason number 1: We're all in our homes during this sheltering-in phase, more hours of the day, more days of the week. And we don't  know for how long it will continue. I believe that feeding our souls through visually stimulating, evocative or calming images and furnishings will help us not only survive, but enjoy more of our solo time.

Reason number 2; For some people who still have an income, there is a bit more in our bank accounts than when we were shopping, eating out, attending theatre, etc. We have extra to donate to food banks, families without incomes, presidential campaigns, etc. and often forget that we can do all of that and still nourish ourselves. Nourishing ourselves has been proven to be a key element in safeguarding our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health. 

Reason number 3: Many artists are part of that community that has been without income since March, and if you value what they do, this is as good a time as any to show your support.

All of the arts need our support: visual, musical, cinematic, literary and theatrical. Snatch the opportunity to attend online concerts, openings, readings, and if you're on a walkabout, stop in and say hello to the artists, have a look at whatever nourishes your soul. It's a treat that not even Covid can take from you. For those of you in or from the U.S., it will help soothe the savage angst of the upcoming election. Art Saves Lives!  


AMEN!! Stay safe, Lena - great article!
xxx Jane Dill
Lena Bartula said…
Thanks Jane. With hopeful wishes to you and all artists at this time!!!

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