In February, I received an email from Trish Snyder, a well-known and well-loved feminist, activist, and a voice for women's rights and social justice. An advocate and friend of the midwives program here in San Miguel, she is committed to helping them help women to give birth in a non-violent, respectful way. Along with a group of Mexican and expat women, birthed this new idea in San Miguel - Ser Mujer, about what it is to be a woman.
She had been speaking with Georgeanne Johnson, another San Miguel activist who for many years has stood strong for women's rights, the environment and our food supply. They had in mind a month-long celebration for March, the month of the woman, which encompasses International Women's Day, March 8. Knowing that I had plans to be out of town the entire month, I still wanted to participate, to celebrate and commemorate this important event. Trish mentioned that there might be a mojiganga, San Miguel's name for a giant puppet, to be created by Julie Zipp.

She adorned the beautiful puppet which ended up having two faces, like the two faces of San Miguel.... one side a Mexican woman and the other side, a foreigner with blond hair. She became part of the Ser Mujer programming, occupying the jardin space in front of the Parroquia for a gathering/dance/tribute.
I love it when my huipils can speak, perform, teach and yes, even dance, taking on a persona that can spread the love! If you'd like to spread the love too, please consider donating to the midwives program. They're students from Mexico, Guatemala and Panama, and when they graduate in July, they'll go off for a year of "servicio social" delivering babies in all parts of Mexico as their final year of becoming professional midwives. Trish is raising money for their living expenses, and can really use our help. Please be in touch with her at if you have lots of love to share with these gifted young women.
Spreading the love, from me to you and out into the world.